Saturday, February 27, 2016

When we are talking about medication for treating yeast infections these days, most of people will opt for natural remedies for yeast infections. Natural treatments and medications are believed to have fewer side effects, so the patients do not have to cure one illness but cause another illness in return. This would be very tiring, wouldn’t it? Thus, this time we will specially discuss about several common suggestions of natural remedies for treating yeast infections, so there would be a lot of women, who are suffering from yeast infection, can be helped.

Natural Remedies for Yeast Infections – Garlic

Garlic is the first suggestion of natural remedies you can try to cure the yeast infection. Garlic is often called as a great antifungal that is safe to use and has no major negative side effects. But you have to pay attention carefully, because the garlic we are talking about right now is not for oral medication. Yes, that’s right, you will not be suggested to consume it. Instead, you have to peel a clove of garlic then insert it into your vagina. It is suggested that you do this before bedtime, so the garlic will naturally come out when you are awake in the morning.

Natural Remedies for Yeast Infections – Yogurt

Aside from the previous remedy, using yogurt as a remedy for yeast infection treatment is also another simple and affordable remedy you can surely do anytime. According to a professor from Michigan State University, applying plain yogurt into your vagina can help you cure the yeast infection. You can use your finger to insert the freezing yogurt into your vagina. As an alternative, you can also coat the yogurt onto the surface of your tampon applicator you usually use. Before doing the business, make sure that you have rinsed your hand thoroughly, so it will not bring another dirty germ that can possibly harm your vagina.

Natural Remedies for Yeast Infections – Cranberries and Buttermilk

Another natural remedy you can take at home is cranberry juice. The infection of yeast level in your vagina can also be reduced by drinking a lot of cranberry juices. The cranberry juices can effectively reduce the Ph level, so it can also reduce the yeast infection. In addition, buttermilk is also able in preventing the infection to worsen. You can drink 2 glasses of buttermilk in daily basis, so you can avoid this kind of vaginal infection.

Natural Remedies for Yeast Infections – Other Suggestions

There are actually a lot of natural remedies you can surely take for curing yeast infections. Similar to the previous treatments, you can also use honey, apple cider vinegar, or tea tree oil to help you to reduce the infection. You can also use a tampon applicator or directly use your finger to coat your vagina with these natural remedies for yeast infections. Either way is safe with a condition that your hand and fingers are clean and sterilized. On the other hand, a saline bath can also be very helpful in curing yeast infection. You can prepare a bathtub full of warm water then add a half cup of white vinegar and a half cup of salt. Afterwards, you can sit and relax in the bathtub while waiting for the essence to be fully absorbed.

Posted by Posted by Unknown at 3:51 AM


